6 marzo 2011

The terminology cloud!

TermWiki.com is a rapidly growing online terminology portal that allows users to search, upload, translate and share terms and definitions with other users around the globe. Peer edits and worldwide collaboration help foster a database of continuously growing and updated terminology, as well as term translations in over 100 languages. TermWiki´s status as one of the Top 10 Wikis worldwide is maintained by continuous advancements in usability and functionality that support the terminology, definition, and glossary development and translation process.

4 commenti:

  1. Idea interessante ma sito troppo caotico.

  2. beh il sito è nato da poco, sono i primi al mondo a portare avanti questo progetto, si miglioreranno strada facendo...ma l'idea mi piace molto!

  3. Puoi suggerirgli delle idee.

  4. piuttosto... gradirei molto delle idee su IATE!


Inclusive GIT branch naming

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