28 settembre 2010

Web scraping

Tecniche, più o meno automatizzate, di acquisizione di dati da pagine Web per poi rielaborarli altrove.

Il termine correlato “scraped content” di solito ha un’accezione più negativa: descrive il contenuto che viene duplicato e ripubblicato altrove senza autorizzazione dell’autore e senza link all’originale.
In italiano si tende a privilegiare il prestito "Web scraping" mentre per "scraped content" non c’è un termine preciso e vengono usate descrizioni tipo contenuto clonato, contenuto duplicato non autorizzato, ecc.

tratto da: Terminologia etc.

24 settembre 2010

Aha Moment

A surprising realization.

published on: Unsuck-it

The time where a douche proclaims, “Eureka!” despite how many times you’ve told them the thing they finally realized.
It was the aha moment that turned him into a budding entrepreneur—one who understands his target market.

The douchebag who said this probably also said SEO, Upset the Apple Cart, or Sunset.

The Jargon Killer - A Tribute to Simplicity

Published: Thursday, 23 Sep 2010 10:11 AM ET

• By: Jane Wells

published on CNBC

Readers of this blog know how much I loathe the jargon thrown around by consultants and middle management types, people who want to get "granular" or "facilitate" or "circle back." Argh. Last February I blogged about all the various ways corporate America has ruined the English language by trying to sound smart rather than speaking plainly. You sent in your favorites: words like "bucketize" and "blamestorms", phrases like "deep dive" and "rigorous decomposition". Arghhhhh. Wait, what's this? Is that a beacon of reason I see on the horizon of the world wide web? A tribute to simplicity? Yes. Welcome to UnsuckIt.com. Type in your least favorite piece of double-speak and the web site translates it into something you can actually understand. It may also give you a jargon-heavy sentence to illustrate how to use the word appropriately, or it may provide snarky assumptions about the type of person who would use such language. For example, I typed in "bucketize" and learned it means "categorize". It was also shown how to use it in a sentence: "We can't boil the ocean, so let's start by bucketizing the deliverables and picking the low-hanging fruit." When I typed in "deep dive", I learned it means "focus on or explore details." But I also learned that the person who would say "deep dive" probably also says "hard stop", "show-stopper", or "net new". Net new? That's net new to me. The person behind the web site is also on Twitter, tweeting, "How many times have you heard 'aha moment' this week? 3? 4? 27? Make it stop." Aha! I like this outside the box thinking! I hope to circle back regularly.

22 settembre 2010


Wanted e-mails (ie, not spam) which clutter inboxes.

published on: Schott's Vocab

Reporting on Gmail’s new priority inbox, Paul Boutin wrote on The Time’s Gadgetwise Blog:

Spam e-mail is no longer the biggest problem most e-mail users face. The bigger problem today is keeping up with the volume of stuff you do want to receive. For many people, messages from co-workers and friends are sprinkled among Facebook notifications, Twitter direct messages, mailing lists to which they’ve subscribed, offers from online merchants with whom they do business and news alerts on favorite topics.

There’s a new slang word for all that stuff: bacn.

The idea is that bacn is better than spam, but you don’t have to eat it right now. The problem with bacn is that the constant stream of new messages in your in-box can cause you to visually overlook an important e-mail, leaving a crucial issue unresolved.

In article for NPR, Eric Weiner noted the increasingly popularity of the term, and observed:

The blog tracking site Technocrati rates “bacn” as a top search term. There’s an official bacn Web site. And already, derivatives have popped up, such as “FakinBacn”— spam posing as bacn.


Family vacations made possible by the participation of grandparents.

published on: Schott's Vocab

Noting that many Brits have chosen to forgo foreign holidays this year in favor of “staycations,” The Daily Mail’s Arthur Martin wrote:
However, as families continue to find money short in the fallout from the recession, millions more are rediscovering the “greycation” to ensure they get a break.
The term is used to describe a vacation where three generations of a family stay together.
An estimated 2.7 million families are planning to holiday in the UK this year with children, parents and grandparents all in the same resort, according to a survey.
Researchers say that total has soared this year thanks to the rising price of foreign holidays and the opportunities for sharing costs on a greycation. Nineteen per cent of those questioned said they will take a trip to a British destination with all the family to save money.
In addition to the economic benefits of multi-generational vacationing, many of those surveyed said greycations were appealing because they allowed grandparents and grandchildren to spend more time together.

see also: Daycation

19 settembre 2010


published on: the wonder of whiffling

Once upon a time, we were all quite happy to say exactly what it was we did. But as status has become ever more important, some quite straightforward occupations have developed some quite preposterous titles:

vision clearance engineer – a window cleaner
stock replenishment adviser – a shelf stacker
dispatch services facilitator – a post room worker
head of verbal communications – a receptionist / secretary
environment improvement technician – a cleaner

13 settembre 2010

A Dictionary of the Near Future



Vancouver, British Columbia

The thing about the future is that it never feels the way we thought it would. New sensations require new terms; below are a few such terms to encapsulate our present moment.

AIRPORT-INDUCED IDENTITY DYSPHORIA: Describes the extent to which modern travel strips the traveler of just enough sense of identity so as to create a need to purchase stickers and gift knick-knacks that bolster their sense of slightly eroded personhood: flags of the world, family crests, school and university merchandise.

ANTIFLUKE: A situation in the universe in which rigid rules of action exist to prevent coincidences from happening. Given the infinite number of coincidences that could happen, very few ever actually do. The universe exists in a coincidence-hating state of antifluke.

BELL’S LAW OF TELEPHONY No matter what technology is used, your monthly phone bill magically remains about the same size.

BLANK-COLLAR WORKERS Formerly middle-class workers who will never be middle class again and who will never come to terms with that.

CHRISTMAS-MORNING FEELING A sensation created by stimulus to the anterior amygdala that leaves one with a strong sense of expectation. (See also Godseeking)

CLOUD BLINDNESS The inability of some people to see faces or shapes in clouds.

COMPLEX SEPARATION The theory that, in music, a song gets only one chance to make a first impression. After that the brain starts breaking it down, subdividing the musical experience into its various components — lyrical, melodic and so forth.

COVER BUZZ The sensation felt when hearing a cover version of a song one already knows.

CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC MONEY THEORY The hypothesis that money is a crystallization or condensation of time and free will, the two characteristics that separate humans from other species.
DENARRATION The process whereby one’s life stops feeling like a story.

DESELFING Willingly diluting one’s sense of self and ego by plastering the Internet with as much information as possible. (See also Omniscience Fatigue; Undeselfing)

DIMANCHOPHOBIA Fear of Sundays, a condition that reflects fear of unstructured time. Also known as acalendrical anxiety. Not to be confused with didominicaphobia or kyriakephobia, fear of the Lord’s Day.

FICTIVE REST The inability of many people to fall asleep until after reading even the tiniest amount of fiction.

FRANKENTIME What time feels like when you realize that most of your life is spent working with and around a computer and the Internet.

GODSEEKING An extreme version of Christmas Morning Feeling.

GRIM TRUTH You’re smarter than TV. So what?

IKEASIS The desire in daily life and consumer life to cling to “generically” designed objects. This need for clear, unconfusing forms is a means of simplifying life amid an onslaught of information.

INSTANT REINCARNATION The fact that most adults, no matter how great their life is, wish for radical change in their life. The urge to reincarnate while still alive is near universal.

INTRAVINCULAR FAMILIAL SILENCE We need to be around our families not because we have so many shared experiences to talk about, but because they know precisely which subjects to avoid.

HUMANALIA Things made by humans that exist only on earth and nowhere else in the universe. Examples include Teflon, NutraSweet, Paxil and meaningfully sized chunks of element No. 43, technetium.

INTERNAL VOICE BLINDNESS The near universal inability of people to articulate the tone and personality of the voice that forms their interior monologue.

INTERRUPTION-DRIVEN MEMORY We remember only red traffic lights, never the green ones. The green ones keep us in the flow, the red ones interrupt and annoy us.

INTRAFFINITAL MELANCHOLY VS. EXTRAFFINITAL MELANCHOLY Which is lonelier: to be single and lonely, or to be lonely within a dead relationship?

KARAOKEAL AMNESIA Most people don’t know the complete lyrics to almost any song, particularly the ones they hold most dear. (See also Lyrical Putty)

LIMITED POOL ROMANTIC THEORY The belief that there is a finite number of times in which one can fall in love, most commonly six.

LYRICAL PUTTY The lyrics one creates in one’s head in the absence of knowing a song’s real lyrics.
MALFACTORY AVERSION The ability to figure out what it is in life you don’t do well, and then to stop doing it.

ME GOGGLES The inability to accurately perceive oneself as others do.

MEMESPHERE The realm of culturally tangible ideas.

OMNISCIENCE FATIGUE The burnout that comes with being able to know the answer to almost anything online.

POST-HUMAN Whatever it is that we become next.

PROCELERATION The acceleration of acceleration.

PSEUDOALIENATION The inability of humans to create genuinely alienating situations. Anything made by humans is a de facto expression of humanity. Technology cannot be alienating because humans created it. Genuinely alien technologies can be created only by aliens. Technically, a situation one might describe as alienating is, in fact, “humanating.”

ROSENWALD’S THEOREM The belief that all the wrong people have self-esteem.

SITUATIONAL DISINHIBITION Social contrivances within which one is allowed to become disinhibited, that is, moments of culturally approved disinhibition: when speaking with fortunetellers, to dogs and other pets, to strangers and bartenders in bars, or with Ouija boards.

STANDARD DEVIATION Feeling unique is no indication of uniqueness, and yet it is the feeling of uniqueness that convinces us we have souls.

STAR SHOCK The disproportionate way that meeting celebrities feels slightly like being told a piece of life-changing news.

STOVULAX A micro-targeted drug of the future designed to stop fantastically specific O.C.D. cases, in this case a compulsion involving the inability of some people to convince themselves after leaving the house that the stove is turned off.

UNDESELFING The attempt, usually frantic and futile, to reverse the deselfing process.

ZOOSOMNIAL BLURRING The notion that animals probably don’t see much difference between dreaming and being awake.

Douglas Coupland on NYTimes

11 settembre 2010

Does Your Language Shape How You Think?

The idea that your mother tongue shapes your experience of the world may be true after all.

When your language routinely obliges you to specify certain types of information, it forces you to be attentive to certain details in the world and to certain aspects of experience that speakers of other languages may not be required to think about all the time. And since such habits of speech are cultivated from the earliest age, it is only natural that they can settle into habits of mind that go beyond language itself, affecting your experiences, perceptions, associations, feelings, memories and orientation in the world.

More on: NYTimes

Economist debate:The language we speak shapes how we think

9 settembre 2010

Corso di introduzione all'economia, finanza e contabilità per il traduttore finanziario

Corso di introduzione all’economia, finanza e contabilità
per il traduttore finanziario

Il corso è rivolto a chiunque abbia un livello medio di conoscenza della lingua inglese e ritenga utile per la sua attività o formazione professionale la conoscenza di tale disciplina specialistica.

per maggiori informazioni:


A government term for 16 to 19 years olds not in education, employment or training. The original reserch carried out by UK government was intended to be titled „Status Zer0“. During the fieldwork, „Status 0“ was simply a technical concept to depict the status of those young people not in education“, (status 1), training (status 2)and employment (status 3). It was felt however, that „Status Zer0“ represented a powerful metaphor for young people who appeared to count for nothing and be going nowhere.
This terminolgy, however, created a political furore at the local level and references to” status 0” in the research report were replaced by „status A“. A s questions concerning young people not in education, training and employment have entered the political and policy arenas, their categorisation has been sanitised yet further; it is alleged that at high levels of local central government they are referred to as NEET young people.

published on:Youth, the 'underclass' and social exclusion

by: Robert MacDonald


When is a leak not a leak?

The classified documents unveiled by the Web site WikiLeaks stretched the semantics of leak to a bursting point.

The word ‘leak’ just doesn’t seem adequate for a data dump and security breach of this magnitude,” wrote Peter Feaver, a professor of political science at Duke University, in a blog post for Foreign Policy. “This is not so much a leak as a gusher.” Jack Shafer of Slate concurred: “To call the torrent of information about the Afghanistan war released by WikiLeaks a mere leak is to insult the gods of hydrodynamics.”

Inclusive GIT branch naming

“main” branch is used to avoid naming like “master” and  “slaves” branches “feature branch” for new feature or bug fix   The shift fr...