8 maggio 2011

Online term extractors: Terminology Extraction by Translated

Terminology Extraction by Translated uses Poisson statistics, the Maximum Likelihood Estimation and Inverse Document Frequency between the frequency of words in a given document and a generic corpus of 100 million words per language. It uses a probabilistic part of speech tagger to take into account the probability that a particular sequence could be a term. It creates n-grams of words by minimizing the relative entropy.

Terminology Extraction by Translated can be also used to improve search results in traditional search engines (es. Google) by giving a better estimation of how much a keyword is relevant to a document.

Texts may only be submitted for analysis through entering the text to analyze into the text window.

Languages supported: English, Italian, French.

Website: Translated

1 commento:

  1. I like the red very much.....
    specially the Extractors looks great were you got this...



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