8 maggio 2011

Online term extractors: AlchemyAPI

AlchemyAPI extracts topic keywords from HTML, text, or web-based content.

AlchemyAPI employes sophisticated statistical algorithms and natural language processing technology to analyze data, extracting keywords that can be utilized to index content, generate tag clouds, and more.

API endpoints are provided for performing keyword extraction on Internet-accessible URLs and posted HTML files or text content.

Extracted meta-data may be returned in XML, JSON, RDF, and Microformats rel-tag formats.

Keyword extraction is supported in over a half-dozen different languages, enabling even foreign-language content to be categorized and tagged:
English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish.

Website: AlchemyAPI

1 commento:

  1. Your artistic explanation really impressed me man! It’s a great way of sharing the useful information.



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