10 luglio 2018

Terminology is the pinch of salt of translation

Last May I went to beautiful Porto to attend Aptrad’s 2nd International Conference, where I gave my presentation on terminology from a #foodporn perspective 😂. The topic was: terminology VS salting food...

If you think about it, salting food isn’t rocket science, but do you know what “a pinch of salt” actually looks like? How about the right way to sprinkle those crystals or flakes?

When a cooking step is as straightforward as “just add salt,” it’s easy to gloss over.
But since salt is arguably the most important ingredient in the kitchen, it’s worth being 100 percent sure you know exactly how to use it.

The same applies to terminology. Terminology is the pinch of salt of translation. Translators are by nature careful and scrupulous because their work requires it. But they often have a tendency to manage terminology by opting for quick and painless solutions that, nevertheless, last as long as the translation itself: they are short-term remedies to short-term problems.

By this occasion, I just wanted to thank all my dear friends that came to my presentation and supported me and raised a lot of questions. It counted a lot for me and I appreciated it very much.

Talking about #foodporn, espresso in Porto is incredibly GOOD!!! I had the best espresso ever on the Douro Cruise, an unforgettable tasting experience, I took two expressos in a row, sooo good! If you love coffee, Porto is the place to be, you will never be disappointed. And once there, jump on the Douro Cruise for the astonishingly ever-changing landscape.

Again, thank you ApTrad for inviting me, looking forward to seeing you soon!

Inclusive GIT branch naming

“main” branch is used to avoid naming like “master” and  “slaves” branches “feature branch” for new feature or bug fix   The shift fr...