31 gennaio 2011

New buzzwords! Sheeple, buzzkill, cheeseball

Automagically: Automatically in a way that seems magical.

Bargainous: Costing less than expected.

Big media: Primary mass communication sources, e.g., TV and the press.

Buzzkil: Person or thing that has a depressing effect.

Carbon credit: Permit allowing a certain amount of carbon dioxide emissions.

Carbon offsetting: Counteraction of CO2 emissions with a corresponding reduction.

Catastrophize: To present a situation as worse than it is.

Cheeseball: Lacking taste or style.

Chillax: To calm down and relax.

Eggcorn: Logical swap of words with similar sounds (from "egg corn" for "acorn").

Flyover states: Central regions of the U.S.

Frenemy: Friend with whom one has frequent conflict.

Gal pal: Female friend.

Green audit: Analysis of a business' environmental impact.

Green-collar: Of or relating to workers in the environmentalist business sector.

Hater: Negative person.

Homeshoring: Moving jobs to employees' homes (from "offshoring").

Hypermiling: Altering a car to maximize its fuel economy.

Locavore: One who primarily eats locally grown food.

Meme: Image, video or phrase passed electronically on the Internet.

Microblog: To post very short entries on a blog.

Overleveraged: Having taken on too much debt.

Own: To utterly defeat or humiliate.

Paywall: Arrangement whereby website access is restricted to paying users only.

Pimp: To make something more showy or impressive.

Rock: To do something in a confident, flamboyant way.

Sheeple: Unquestioning followers (from "sheep" + "people").

Social media: Websites and applications used for social networking.

Soft skills: Attributes that enable someone to interact harmoniously with others.

Toxic debt: Debt that has a high risk of default.

Truthiness: Quality of seeming true.

Turducken: Roast of a chicken inside a duck inside a turkey.

Webisode: Episode or short film made for viewing online.

Zombie bank: Insolvent bank that survives through government support.

Sources: Oxford Dictionary of English; New American Oxford Dictionary; Oxford English Dictionary; Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary.

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